Kitchen appliances for sale in East Mountain, Nova Scotia
Showing page 1 : 1 - 3
sausage stuffer
cabelias 3lb sausage stuffer ---regular price 119.00 cant use handle due to arthritis
cabelias 3lb sausage stuffer ---regular price 119.00 cant use handle due to arthritis
Classifieds in:
Nova Scotia
East Mountain
Refrigerators, ovens etc.
wine cooler
Wine cooler, used once. Holds up to 7 bottles of wine.
Wine cooler, used once. Holds up to 7 bottles of wine.
Classifieds in:
Nova Scotia
East Mountain
Refrigerators, ovens etc.
Laundry Tubs with taps
I have 3 laundry tubs all with taps, $10 each. 4 years old
I have 3 laundry tubs all with taps, $10 each. 4 years old
Classifieds in:
Nova Scotia
East Mountain
Refrigerators, ovens etc.
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